Architecting llm-lib
Everyone is using artificial intelligence (AI). Many are developing apps based on large language models (LLMs)1, but few are creating libraries and frameworks for tool development — and so am I: llm-lib is my playground2.
Passing the Vavr Torch
Dear Vavr Community, it is with a mix of nostalgia and excitement that I write to you today. After years of developing and maintaining Vavr, our beloved functional programming library for Java, I have made the significant decision to transfer the ownership of the project to a new maintainer.
Sponsored Work on Vavr
I know that Vavr is important to many of you, and I have already received feedback on my last post, Statement on Vavr’s Future. After considering the options to better serve the Vavr community, I am happy to announce that I will be offering sponsored work on Vavr.
Statement on Vavr's Future
Hi guys, as I mentioned in a previous post, I have redirected my energy from maintaining the Vavr project towards other activities. It seems that many people are uncertain about the future of Vavr. Please allow me to clarify a few things.
Foolish Consistency
The quote “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist and poet. He wrote it in his 1841 essay “Self-Reliance”, where he argued for the importance of individualism and independent thinking1. The quote suggests that blindly following a fixed set of rules or beliefs, without considering new ideas or changing circumstances, is a sign of a narrow-minded person. Emerson believed that a great soul should be flexible and adaptable, and not afraid of being misunderstood by others.
See also the article Wikipedia: Emerson and Wilde on consistency ↵
Constant Change
Heraclitus, an Ancient Greek philosopher, observed: “The only constant in life is change.” Our environment is in constant flux. Nothing stays; everything passes. Personally, I observe that our mind seems to be interested in stability and consistency, so it makes sense that we need to find a balance between the two and adapt to change.
Annual Recap 2023
Gut Feeling
I believe that we all have antennas and that decisions can be made without engaging our brain in intense thinking about which direction to take.
A New Era
Good morning! I recognize two kinds of developers: those who are curious about new tools, and those who harbor negatively connoted thoughts, withdrawing from AI topics to retreat back into their mental comfort zone, in order to feel safe1.
Of course there are always some in-between, who observe and have their thoughts. A little bit like the Mandelbrot set, some are inside and some are outside—and we do not known much about those on the boundary. ↵
Drawing a Clear Line
Recently, I felt the urge to create more space for creativity. The last time that happened a decade ago and automagically that space was filled and something new emerged—Javaslang1, better known as Vavr today. And boy, that was a ride, I could tell tales!
The name Javaslang was abandoned to avoid confusion with Java. ↵
Good Morning!
Welcome to my first post on “Daniel’s Journal”. The domain danieldietrich.dev has been there for a while and it was my wish to create a personal blog. In fact that wish has been there for several years, so what happened?